Sunday, July 21, 2013

After the Ultrasound

The ultrasound was a few weeks ago where we found out that our new addition is going to be a healthy, active little boy! The due date is still confirmed for October 29th, and we've decided to name him Declan Matthew Peck.

Declan, as we've looked up, is a Celtic name meaning 'man of goodness' and certainly hope and pray that we can help him turn out to be such a man. His middle name, obviously named for me, should hopefully instill in him the importance of his ancestry.

Having a boy will certainly be different then having a girl. Admittedly, when Annalyn was on the way, I was hoping for a boy - what brand new father wouldn't? But once Annalyn came (the story of her birth is a beautiful one in and of itself) and I got to know her, I came to the conclusion that I wanted at least one boy, and I didn't care how many girls! So with our second, I knew we still wouldn't be done, and if we had another girl, that would be just as exciting!

But we are having a boy now, and since it will be our first boy, I'm sure there are lots of things we just haven't experienced yet that will make me want another boy too. Going to the ultrasound was an experience I was looking forward to, and I wasn't disappointed. I loved seeing him for the first time. It was exhilarating to find out it's going to be a boy, but as time has gone on, I do think more and more about roughhousing with him, helping him make his first putt, and teaching all kinds of manly things he'll need to know to be a decent, provident husband and father. As a result, I get more excited by the day.

So far, every appointment with the midwife has shown a healthy pregnancy and Rachel is taking excellent care of Declan and herself. And yes, she is planning on having this one naturally as well, and we are going to have the added experience of this one being a home birth. We're both looking forward to that.
100 days till due date! He's kicking and fighting his older sister already when she's on Momma's lap...I think we're going to have to buckle up for the ride of our lives while these two grow up together.

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